Wednesday, May 23, 2012


After going through some of the articles on this weeks assignment online which showed the tools that were used for artist to communicate their art is truly amazing. I found 3 paintings in which stood out to me most. Each has its own version and image to different ideas.
1. A- Panneau de la Licorne- First painting available was of one big animal which looks like a bull being attacked by several other animals. Can indicate some type of loneliness or vulnerability in which they felt attacked by others.
       - Panneau de l'Empreinte- Has a painting in which there is a line of animals or a type of herd in which changes in the light that also shows a type arrow that goes through all of them. I saw this as the herd symbolizing a type of family and with the arrow that goes through them all, as a way to show death and how it comes to us all. It also can be viewed of how that arrow can be used as link that ties them all together in unity.
    B- Animals seem to take the place of people. Also they were always being hunted and were a big source to life. It was also a way to communicate to others in certain symbols or secrets without enemies knowing what they all meant as certain paintings have different images when looking at them in a different light or angle.
    C- They were highly dependent on animals and the part they played in life. Also the artistic mind in which these painters had to contribute to these paintings with the lack of tools in which they possessed. By them placing this art in caves also seems to show that not all of them were meant to all be seen to the public. They can be viewed as codes.
    D- The difficulties can be the lack of tools used to create these painting and also the lack of light in caves. The surface in which is solid rock can also be described as difficult. Various shapes and colors of the surface.
    E- 1. Indication of what has occurred in that area.
         2. Warnings to intruders to avoid future confrontations with other tribes.
         3. Codes to others or maps to serve them as reminders that lead them to a certain location.
2. I feel that Lascaux Caves art can represent ideas and emotions to both early human and modern humans. Both early and modern humans use their art to express their feelings. Many of the Lascaux art showed death and anger in which modern humans can relate to.
3. This portion of the blog is suppose to be our favorite art but I will choose one in which I see everyday in various neighborhoods in graffiti. Its not something I like but something that has been around for a number of years and represents many of my previous statements. It can be viewed negatively as many do but others also use it as art to show pride in something they have. I have posted here an image of a gym that I go to that shows and represents pride as early humans did as well.

Others use graffiti to show codes to others and not everyone understands. They can be placed in certain areas to show warnings or indications to others. But all in all, graffiti and other forms of art all represent to artist what they all have in mind, which is to be remembered for their art.


  1. Your analysis is very interesting and you have taken the time to explore the possibility of deeper meaning in the cave art. While your suggestions are a possibility, remember the statement (sometimes attributed to Freud) that "Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar". In this case, sometimes a painting of an animal is just a painting of an animal. Yes, consider the more complex explanations but be careful to recognize the more basic functions as well.

    I like your explanation of graffiti as an art and it's function to the individual artist. How does it benefit or harm the society in which it occurs? Is there a culture surrounding graffiti artists, i.e., a language, set of behaviors, clothing style or philosophy surrounding the practice of this art?

  2. I do see what you mean by seeing a painting as it is. I just thought we had to think "outside" the box as you mentioned. I did forget to mention how it affects society. I would say it more negative than positive in modern times in the way it is used. It has been used more to claim certain territories that often leads to violence. One of my favorite types of art are tattoos in which graffiti type art is sometimes used along with a blend of other drawings in which people use to represent themselves and tell a story about their life. It has become a trend that can be considered a style. But back to graffiti, in most cases it does come with a style of clothing and negative behavior in most cases.

  3. "Outside the box" is referring to thinking outside of your own culture. But when you are trying to understand the function of a practice or a behavior within a population, don't ignore the simple explanations. Just because they are simple and straight-forward doesn't mean they are wrong.

    Thank you for the response.
