Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Magic of Nacerima

5 words:
-Devotional: They are very dedicated to their beliefs and show it by their constant bows each day to their charm boxes. Each member of the family takes part in this by entering the shrine room and participating in the ritual. Although at the end of the article Minor mentions how he is surprised on how long the tribe has survived due to the temple possibly killing most of the individuals that participate in the ceremony, they continue to follow their tribe in participating the same steps.
-Spiritual: The fact that they perform exorcism speaks a lot in their beliefs and religion. They believe in bad spirits and having the power to release them through much torture. Most of it done by "the holy mouth me". Most of it seems to be decay but by drilling big holes and making them worse year by year, members of the tribe continue to be involved in the process. The "listeners" take much part in this process as well.
-Gender specific: They have different rules for different genders. Men will lacerate the surface of their face while woman have a different ceremony by baking their heads in an oven for an hour. Also woman have the ability to make a comfortable living by walking village to village depending on their hypermammary development. They charge a fee for people to stare at them.
-Development: They do seem adaptive to change as they mention that they do have ceremonies for people who are thin and have feasts for them to gain weight as they also make overweight people fast to lose it. They also have the ability to change woman who have small breast to larger and larger to smaller.
-Cautious: Lastly I choose cautious due to the fact that they are tentative of pregnancy. They have efforts to avoid pregnancy through much of their magic. They also try to limit intercourse as well. 

Part B:
1. It came to me as a shocker at first. Then the more I thought about it, the more it made sense. It made me feel me kind of slow for not catching on right away. But the words I chose do seem to describe many americans. We are devotional; whether its to our families, work, or goals. I forgot to mention in part A that it seems to also be a routine in which we Americans seem to ordinarily grow a custom to and not like change.
2. I feel that I was biased in my first word with Devotional. For the most part I explained about how they seemed dedicated to their beliefs and why but towards the end of my description I felt as if I made them seem ignorant for continuing to follow the same routine by going to the temple that didnt seem to help but cause more death. I also chose Gender specific and that showed to be bias as well by the way both males and females were described. Woman were made out to seem as if they have it easier due to looks.
3. This section Im not too sure which word I would alternate. I felt as if I was biased in my description of the word and not the word itself. Gender Specific would be the one I would possibly alternate. I wrote towards the end what the females have the possibility of doing in charging a fee to be stared at. Instead I could've just given an overall picture of what they perform and succeed.
4. It is very important not to be bias towards other cultures so that people can get an overall image of the culture being viewed and examined. That way they dont go based on what the anthropologist is commenting or going on their thoughts or beliefs. Is it possible? In my opinion, no. I feel that at some point an anthropologist will have to make some type of indication in which they will give their point of view. Even if it is in a small detail. 


  1. Very good self-analysis. I liked your exploration of your word choices after you learned the secret of the article.

    I do tend to agree with you that your words show little bias. I really like the term "gender specific". This article covers the American culture of the 1950's, before the big Women's right's push, so I think the word is a good fit.

    Well done.

  2. I agree with you completely on the choice of the word "Devotional". These people are very persistent in their rituals and ceremonies. I think it leads them to be superstitious of what may happen if they break tradition. Also, their superstitions of what may happen if their bodies are different, or if they're not treated by the medicine men is pretty interesting. It is hard not to be ethnocentric when observing this tribe.

  3. I agree with what you said in regards to not being without bias. Maybe it would be better if we would have explained where we are coming from or some of our experiences then the reader(s) would be able to recognize the bias.
